Dinner is served

Willarah Farm Ribeye.

Last night we took a dive into the chest freezer and found one of our Ribeye’s from the steer we had processed late December. For a piece of steak that’s been frozen for 5 months it looks pretty good!!

This steer was processed early December 2021 at 27 months of age. personally the Ribeye is my favourite cut, I like to chuck it in the oven on around 120 degrees until 3/4 cooked. then throw it onto a smoking hot BBQ or even better, over some coals. The Ribeye cooked a little slower renders the fat down nicely and the hot BBQ grill seals in the moisture! If you’re feeling adventurous you can even try a meat rub.

We will be opening orders for the next round of beef in June so keep an eye out! Click the link here if you have any enquiries.