Introducing BARDEE organic fertiliser.
The sun is shining and the fruit trees are in full bloom, This month we purchased a new and exciting organic fertiliser from Bardee, This fertiliser is made from soldier fly larvae and claims to offset 5kg’s of CO2 per 1kg of fertiliser. We’re currently spreading the fertiliser at a rate of 250kg/ha on some trial paddocks to see if we get some noticeable results. One paddock was harrowed and had a ryegrass/fertiliser mix direct drilled and the others have had the fertiliser broadcast over trial areas to monitor the effects. Stay tuned for updates in the coming months
Pasture update
The PASJA II Leafy turnip has emerged and will start to kick into gear now that the temperature has increased. We received and very good strike and it will be interesting to see if the seedlings can compete with the existing pasture that has now started to get moving.
The Gippy Dryland mix is now motoring along! We’re really impressed with this mix, we had some freezing temperatures over winter and given that we probably sowed this mix a bit late it held on very well. Gippy dryland has been designed to be early maturing which has helped it compete well with the undesirable grasses such as bent grass and sorrel as we have come out of winter.
Willarah Dairy
In early September we welcomed Bluebell, a Jersey x Speckle Park calf to Willarah Farm. Our house cow Rona did a great job and has settled back into milking life quite well! We now have enough milk, cheese and butter to feed an army!
Bluebell and her Groomer looking very serious
Beef update
The Steers had a drench last week and will be in for weighing and vaccination in the coming month. Now that the sun has come out they’re starting to throw on some kg’s. We will only process them when they’re in prime condition so stay tuned for an announcement as to when orders will open up.. We’re hoping for a pre Christmas order!