Here at Willarah Farm, we’re really feeling the impact of the dry conditions. So far, February has only brought us 23mm of rain, with the heaviest fall just 10mm in one day. That’s well below the historical February average of 56.5mm over 6.4 rainy days. Our rolling 12-month rainfall total is also sitting noticeably lower than usual at 694mm, compared to the long-term annual average for the area of 1514.6mm.
Read moreArtificial insemination, more fencing and preparations for spring sowing.
More fencing was completed over Winter, we have now finished the repairs to the boundary and divided more paddocks up to allow for longer rest periods.
Read moreFarm Update - Beef Week, Pasture improvement and the end of Autumn calving at Willarah Farm
Beef Week, Pasture improvement and the end of Autumn calving at Willarah Farm
Autumn is a very busy time - it’s a lot easier to get jobs done in autumn compared to the cold winter months! This season we finished calving, started repairing fences after the town was hit by a once-in-a-generation storm, sowed pasture for some winter feed, cut up lots of firewood and made sure our steers were finished off in time for processing (and snuck in a trip to Rockhampton for BeefWeek 2024).
Farm Update - Weaning, Fattening steers and starting up the Dairy.
Willarah Farm Beef blogs are back!
After a years hiatus our beef blogs are back! Life gets busy sometimes and things have to take a back seat.
Read moreFarm Update - Introducing BARDEE organic fertiliser.
Introducing BARDEE organic fertiliser.
The sun is shining and the fruit trees are in full bloom, This month we purchased a new and exciting organic fertiliser from Bardee,
Read moreFarm Update - August 2022
Paddock renovations, Mineral supplements and an update on our Gippy dryland pasture.
August has been a busy month, there’s a hint of spring in the air and the grass has started to get moving. Time to get the paddocks freshened up for what is hopefully a cracking spring/summer.
Read moreG’day
Welcome to our new Willarah Farm Beef Blog!
The aim of this blog is to keep you, the customer informed about our day to day operations. we will cover anything from Cattle management to pasture improvement. At Willarah Farm we want you to feel like you have been part of our journey into producing the best beef possible with the lowest impact on the environment.
Read moreFarm Update - June/July 2022
Holiday’s and a new toy!
After the rough 2 years everyone has faced we decided to pack up the camper and do a 3 week trip up to Mackay and back. Easy thing to do if you live in town, slightly harder thing to do on a farm in the middle of Winter when you have 33 mouths to feed twice a week. Having great neighbours and an Aunty that is willing to house sit makes things considerably easier! Before we could hit the road a few jobs needed to be sorted out and a few hurdles overcome. Keep reading to find out how we went!
Read moreFarm Update May 2022
Another busy month at Willarah Farm!
This month we finished the farm tracks, installed the rest of the troughs and planted 100 native trees along the ridgeline of the Hill Paddock.
Read moreGippy Dryland seed mix
Around mid April we decided to lock up our worst performing paddock and sow some Gippy Dryland from Graham’s seeds. Our aim is to improve the persistance of the more palatable species of grass into this area of Willarah Farm.
Read moreDinner is served
Willarah Farm Ribeye
Last night we took a dive into the chest freezer and found one of our Ribeyes from the steer we had processed late December. For a piece of steak that’s been frozen for 5 months it looks pretty good!!
Read moreFarm upgrades April 2022
Public Holiday weekends are for working on the farm not holidays away, right?
Last weekend we were very busy installing some more cattle troughs, welding up some new gates for the Hay shed and making some track upgrades before winter.
Read moreCattle Update
The boys are now 19 months old and nudging the 450kg mark. From now until November their job is to lay down as much meat and Intramuscular fat as possible.
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